Private Classes

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Private Classes

Yoga has abundant benefits, some of which even those who have never practiced are familiar with, but many of which are more subtle. This deep practice improves strength, flexibility and your overall fitness; it’s an excellent way to de-stress; it challenges the mind and body; it teaches us about our breath and how to tune in and harness its powerStill, you may be wondering, “can’t I pretty much get all these benefits from the studio though? I mean, group classes offer a great workout.” True. But group classes lack personalization.

Why Exactly Is Private Yoga So Beneficial? Is It Actually Worth It?

Yes, it’s worth it. Here’s why:

1. Personalized classes

The greatest benefit of private yoga is that each class is tailored exactly to your unique goals, needs and body. Your teacher will curate classes to suit any specific needs you have, and will come equipped to meet you where you are the day of your practice. If you’re feeling sluggish but want an energy boost, or super stressed and need to slow down and relax, your teacher will be ready. Further, classes are designed for your level so, unlike group classes, there’s no pressure to “keep up” or do things your body shouldn’t, ultimately lessening the risk of injury.

2. At your convenience

Classes are scheduled around your busy life and take place at the location of your choice. If you’re juggling a family and career, private yoga makes getting your workout and stretching in easy. Plus, enjoy the added benefit of accountability that comes with having your own personal yoga teacher.

3. Learn safe, proper alignment.

Practicing yoga one-on-one with a professional allows you to learn how to practice properly, instead of learning the potentially improper, dangerous alignment of the person next to you in a group class setting.

4.Have your questions answered. Another awesome benefit of private yoga is that you can ask questions during your sessions. The classes are yours after all, and the less formal setting means you can ask as you go so you can learn more and really get the most out of the practice.

5. Physical assists

If you’ve practiced yoga in a group setting before, you’ve probably had a teacher give you hands-on adjustments. If you’re comfortable with it, these adjustments can be very helpful with alignment as well as deepening postures, and help keep us yogis safe. Often, we don’t know what our bodies are capable of without being gently guided into the depths. Plus, some adjustments are less alignment based, and just feel great. That being said, teachers can be somewhat thinly spread in crowded group classes, so you may not receive a single physical adjustment, let alone more than one or two.

6. Learn modifications and how to properly use props

In private yoga instruction you’ll have the opportunity to learn the right modifications for your unique body. Again, in a group setting teachers try to help everyone the best they can, but sometimes things get overlooked. Modifications are super important, not just because they can save us from injury, but even for the most skilled yogi, options can open our bodies up to new experiences. If you turn to private yoga in order to learn the practice so you feel comfortable in a group setting, understanding the right modification before hand is super important.

7. Learn how to link breath to movement

Breath is key. Often referred to as prana, or life force, the breath is an essential tool not just in yoga, but also off the mat in our day to day lives. Ujjayi breath is common practice in yoga, and while there’s more involved, it entails breathing in and out of the nose intentionally linking breath with movement. Understanding this and other breathing techniques really add to the practice. They link to your nervous system and help you connect, focus, control and relax.

8. Great for all experience levels

Beginners learn the fundamentals — names of the postures, alignment, modifications, breath. Seasoned practitioners get to level-up — safely work on more advanced postures, speed it up or slow it down (equally challenging).

9. Deepen your practice at any level

Regardless of where you are in your yoga journey, private yoga gives you the opportunity to learn more about breath work, meditation, yogic philosophy and really, yourself. It’s a window inward and the curated class gives us the opportunity to peak inside.